Gluten Free, Egg Free, Allergy Free French Toast
Who would ever have thought it possible? French toast without eggs? And on top of that, with gluten free bread? One of the things I've learned in the past few weeks, however, is that gluten free bread's sponginess lends itself to lots of types of cooking. It may not always make the best sandwiches in the world, but it cooks up great!
Three day weekends inspire large breakfasts in my house. Since today was a stay-at-home day, I decided to try something new on my boys. This recipe is not for everyday (or maybe it is!), but it certainly is good. Instead of soaking the bread in an egg batter, you soak it in maple syrup, cook it in canola oil, and it makes a carmelized crusty French toast.
What you will need... I tried this with Ener G Light Tapioca Loaf. It was a great choice since it's softer and lighter than some other GF breads. However, I also tried the recipe with a regular multi-grain bread, and that worked great as well.
Gluten Free Bread, crusts cut off
Maple Syrup, 2 Tbsp. per slice of bread
2 Tbsp. Canola Oil and more as needed
Using a pastry brush, brush each side of the bread with 1 Tbsp. Maple Syrup (for a total of 2 Tbsp per slice). Stack slices on top of one another, making a tower. Cover with wax paper for five minutes, pressing down on it every so often to get the bread to absorb the syrup. Heat 2 Tbsp. canola oil in a pan over medium heat (preferably a non-stick or cast iron skillet). Cook until golden and crispy on both sides. Add more canola oil as necessary, don't cheat yourself.
Delicious served as is, or if you can eat soy, try with Earth Balance, Soy Garden, Natural Buttery Spread (not butter, just super buttery, and no, they don't sponsor me!)
And thanks for all the great comments on my last post!
Who would ever have thought it possible? French toast without eggs? And on top of that, with gluten free bread? One of the things I've learned in the past few weeks, however, is that gluten free bread's sponginess lends itself to lots of types of cooking. It may not always make the best sandwiches in the world, but it cooks up great!
Three day weekends inspire large breakfasts in my house. Since today was a stay-at-home day, I decided to try something new on my boys. This recipe is not for everyday (or maybe it is!), but it certainly is good. Instead of soaking the bread in an egg batter, you soak it in maple syrup, cook it in canola oil, and it makes a carmelized crusty French toast.
What you will need... I tried this with Ener G Light Tapioca Loaf. It was a great choice since it's softer and lighter than some other GF breads. However, I also tried the recipe with a regular multi-grain bread, and that worked great as well.
Gluten Free Bread, crusts cut off
Maple Syrup, 2 Tbsp. per slice of bread
2 Tbsp. Canola Oil and more as needed
Using a pastry brush, brush each side of the bread with 1 Tbsp. Maple Syrup (for a total of 2 Tbsp per slice). Stack slices on top of one another, making a tower. Cover with wax paper for five minutes, pressing down on it every so often to get the bread to absorb the syrup. Heat 2 Tbsp. canola oil in a pan over medium heat (preferably a non-stick or cast iron skillet). Cook until golden and crispy on both sides. Add more canola oil as necessary, don't cheat yourself.
Delicious served as is, or if you can eat soy, try with Earth Balance, Soy Garden, Natural Buttery Spread (not butter, just super buttery, and no, they don't sponsor me!)
And thanks for all the great comments on my last post!
At 6:04 PM,
Robin said…
Hi Cybele,
We had French toast today too, but just my normal stuff, this one sounds so delicious, I think I'll try it for an after-school snack this week. How do you come up with these ideas?
My husband is loving your minestrone recipe, he proclaimed it "my best ever" yesterday. why is it that soup is always yummier on day two or three? I really tried to stick to your exact recipe with the exception of instead of a half cup of black beans and and a half cup of lentils, I used these little black lentils I got at Trader Joes and put in a cup of those with orzo pasta. It looked as good as it tasted.
My daughter is curious to know if you have been to "Taffy's world" yet, to see our cutie. All you need to do is click on my name, then, scroll down and click on "Taffy's world". Her puppy pics are too cute!
take care
At 6:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
What are probiotics?
At 9:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 10:06 AM,
Cybele Pascal said…
Check comments on last post!
Happy to hear you like the minestrone. I haven't made it in forever. I'll have to do so this weekend.
I'm sorry I haven't posted about probiotics. I promise, it's coming. I'm not an expert or anything, but will tell what I know.
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Cybele -- you can remove the awful spammers' comments by clicking the little trash can next to the comments. Just a friendly tip.
At 12:02 PM,
Cybele Pascal said…
At 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
That sounds so good! And I love french toast so I will have to try it. Maybe I'll make it this weekend when I babysit (the girls I sit are so picky but I think they will like this). But anyway, I'm trying to get my family to go alergy free and I recently found out that I am alergic to beer. And I don't drink it, my family put it in something they made and I got really itchy and started having some trouble breathing. It wasn't that bad, but they didnt put much beer in the food. It was fine after I took some Benidryl but I want them to stop cooking with beer because I don't want it to be worse next time. Now I know to stay away from beer, but can alergies get worse? For example; the next time I eat something that has a large amount of beer in it, is it possible for me to have to go to the hospital?
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
HI Cybele,
How are you? I tried your French Toast and loved it. Thanks for the advice. I'm going to the doctor tommor for an allergist referal wish me luck.
At 11:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is off topic but I was looking at life sized photo gallery and am curious
1. where did you get that fabulous orange dress worn at the Two Gentlemen of Verona: Opening Night (08.25.05)?
2. is that a star tattoo on your ear?
3. do you do yoga or workout everyday? you look like you could kick some serious a!
At 5:55 PM,
Robin said…
Hi Cybele,
Oh thanks so much for the kind words about Taffy, that really meant a lot to us. yeah, we can hardly stand her cuteness too. I try to take her everywhere i go, at four pounds, she is very portable. I wanted to smuggle her into adams S.F.concert, but she stayed home with dad. did you see the photo of her posed with adams cds? too funny.
this week end, I decided to try your banana bread recipe, as i wanted to make a healthy treat for my family. this week begins Amber's first expeience with finals (she is a high school freshman)so she's stressing out and studying her her butt off, so, I thought that it was pretty coincidental that banana bread helped you through studying as well. what else is good study food? she tends to get headaches easily, so i try to watch the sugar intake.
yesterday she played larry's cd "Duende" while she studied as she said it relaxed her. who knew?
thanks again
take care
At 8:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yum, this sounds great, Cybele.
I also wanted to let everyone here know that amazon is offering a special where if you sign up for their amazon prime membership ($79) you get a $50 coupon for their grocery, which carries some good foods for the food allergic. This is the URL to check out for more info:
At 8:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oops, I think my URL was too long, all, sorry, it is: primeclub/signup/grocery-main.html
(I put a space after subs/ so just remove that for the full and correct URL)
At 1:53 PM,
Nancy said…
French toast...mmmmmm....
Off topic, hope you don't mind...
I read that they're trying to develop a vaccine for food allergies but I can't find any new info (since 2004).
Has anyone heard about the peanut, wheat and/or milk-allergic dogs at Stanford? Nine dogs were vaccinated and ten weeks afterward greater amounts of the allergy-inducing foods were needed to produce an allergic reaction (lasted for 3 months). One article said that vaccines are only 5-10 years away. Is this just a "snake oil" claim or is there really hope for us all? I won't get my hopes up...but, if it's true...WOW!
Also, I seem to be allergic to chocolate (aaaarrrrghhhh!!!!).
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do you have a recipe for a non dairy, eggless cake with frosting? I have a 9 month old and I make all of her food from scratch. I want to make her a birthday cake, but I am not ready to introduce her to eggs and milk.
Thank you
At 8:40 PM,
Martie said…
Hi Cybele,
Totally off topic of French toast...I love your book. I am currently being treated for what the doctors believe to be fibromyalgia. I also have allergies which are...idiopathic! We think they are connected... I cut meat out of my diet about six months ago, and I feel much better. (I believe that my body doesn't react well to all the hormones and stuff...) Since I started cooking from your book, I feel much better. I think that some of my unknown allergies are food related. Anyways, I love your book, and like many other people, just want to say thanks for putting it out there, and for sharing your story. I just turned 18, so I feel like your book has given me a few more ideas and options for how to live the rest of my life and be healthy...
PS Your favorite salad dressing is now my favorite salad dressing. I actually didn't have honey they first time that I made it, so I substituted brown sugar (which is fine for my family), and it tasted great! It's the only dressing we use!
Oh, yeah. And totally random, but I have a mini daschund (who is the cutest ever). My brother and I both have terrible allergies to pets. One of the reasons we adopted Bella is because her hair is "hypo-allergenic". So, in the future, if you are researching pets that would be a good fit for your home, take a look at doxies. :)
Have a great day!
At 10:04 AM,
Cybele Pascal said…
Hope all worked out at the doctor.
That dress was from H&M a couple of years ago. And yes, I get a lot of excercise. I have to, considering how much time I spend testing recipes.
I haven't heard anything about the vaccine trials in a long time either. I do think they are still working on them, and it is not out of the question that they'll be ready in a few years. But the projection I heard was more like 10 years. Sorry about the chocolate allergy. That's a real bummer.
Omega 3's are said to help with concentration and brain function. One can take supplements or find them in food sources like flax seed oil, flax seed meal, and fatty fish like wild salmon (if you can eat fish). Carbs release seratonin which bring a feeling of calm. So something like banana bread is a perfect choice for that.
There are two allergen-free layer cake recipes in my book. If you want a more updated chocolate frosting recipe, see todays post on this site.
Thanks so much for the Amazon tip!
Very interesting about cutting meat from your diet and the difference it made. I think I've heard that about fibromyalgia before. Thanks for the dog tip!
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