Dear Readers:
Would anyone with a gluten or casein sensitivity like to participate in the following survey? It's from a grad student at UNH. They are working on developing a product that tests for the presence of gluten or casein in foods. You must be allergic or sensitive to at least one of these proteins to participate in the survey. Here is the email from the student, Mark Moccia. Link below.
"We have moved into the concept phase and have come up with 2 possible product concepts. Please note we have not developed these products, these are just screenshots and associated information. To that end, we would like to gather feedback on the feasbility of the products in question. Would you be willing to assist us again with a survey on the concepts? This survey can be accessed at the following link:
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Would anyone with a gluten or casein sensitivity like to participate in the following survey? It's from a grad student at UNH. They are working on developing a product that tests for the presence of gluten or casein in foods. You must be allergic or sensitive to at least one of these proteins to participate in the survey. Here is the email from the student, Mark Moccia. Link below.
"We have moved into the concept phase and have come up with 2 possible product concepts. Please note we have not developed these products, these are just screenshots and associated information. To that end, we would like to gather feedback on the feasbility of the products in question. Would you be willing to assist us again with a survey on the concepts? This survey can be accessed at the following link:
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
At 5:52 PM,
Robin said…
Hi Cybele,
hope you are doing well. Have you made much progress on the new baking cookbook? My local Whole Foods does not carry "Living Without" so I haven't seen any new recipes from you lately. My family always is very pleased when I bring out your cookbook and make something from it.
I wish you happy holidays, take care,Robin
At 11:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Cybele:
Love your cookbook and am a fan of "Living Without" magazine as well. My 3 year old son has multiple food allergies and I am now pregnant with baby #2. I was wondering if you modified your diet at all when pregnant with your youngest to help "prevent" food allergies? I've heard mixed things and our allergist does not recommend withholding any foods because there isn't enough evidence to prove it makes a difference. What are your thoughts?
Mom of Nicholas
At 12:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Cybele,
It's unfortunate that I've been away and missed the opportunity to participate in the survey while it was open. I'd purchase both of those potential products! And I think the fork is especially helpful for those that can die from accidentally ingesting either gluten or dairy.
Your first cookbook became an instant hit and has become a classic staple in our household and for that I thank you! I look forward to enjoying your new cookbook.
Happy New Year! May it be healthy, prosperous and filled with gladness and laughter for you and yours.
At 12:19 PM,
catsmum said…
my daughter is allergic and/or sensitive to a whole range of things including - but not limited to - both gluten and casein.
Do you know whether this study needs overseas participants ?
At 11:10 PM,
allergist said…
I think i need this kind of cook book.
At 5:59 PM,
Roni said…
I own Have you ever heard of us?
We ship gluten and casein-free meals and baked goods nationwide to people’s homes. I would love if you would consider blogging about us. Please let me know if you would like more information.
We also have a web affiliate program. Find out more about how we can help you earn money when people shop at Check it out:
Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.
Roni Piterman
Your Dinner Secret
At 12:08 PM,
Food Allergy Testing said…
Food with glutten should be really avoided for a healthy life.
At 3:22 AM,
Alen Kcatic said…
I've been living with the bundle of joy that is my food allergies for quite some time I'm probably even more keen on allergy cookbooks. It's very easy to become set in your ways in the kitchen and end up cooking the same dishes over and over again. Eventually you become bored of your repertoire. Allergy cookbooks are a good way to break you out of that rut and try new and exciting things.
At 9:28 PM,
Debbie Wallace said…
我的兒子在2017年患有自閉症,這對我來說真的很艱難和令人心碎,因為他是我的全部,症狀很糟糕,他總是溝通困難,並且總是抱怨眼神接觸不良。我們嘗試了神經科醫生開出的各種療法,但沒有一種可以治愈他。我尋找了治愈方法,然後看到一個治癒者的證詞,以及許多其他身體相似的人,他離開了治愈孤獨症的醫生的聯繫。我從來沒有想過自閉症能在我聯繫到他之前自然治愈,並且他向我保證我兒子會好的。我得到了他推薦的草藥,兒子用了它,在一個月的時間裡,他完全沒事,直到這一刻,他都充滿了活力。自閉症是可以治癒的,它是詹姆士醫生的草藥混合藥物,請聯繫醫生以獲取有關其他疾病的更多信息,例如ALZHEIMER病,糖尿病,雙歧疾病,癌症,HIV / AIDS,皰疹A,B,C型肝炎。發燒,癲癇病,梅尼吉蒂斯,登革精神分裂症,前列腺,甲狀腺,細菌,瘧疾,雞雞和乳房增大,多發性硬化症,肺結核,腹瀉,脊髓灰質炎,哮喘,狼瘡,RABBIS,關節痛,胃痛,慢性病,心腦血管疾病,疾病中風,脊髓損傷,ECZEMA,腎臟疾病,ACME,背部疼痛有關如何獲得藥物的信息,請通過他的電子郵件地址與他聯繫.... ......有關更多信息,請與他聯繫。 ...
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